
Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management

The Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management Limited (HKCNHCM) was established in April 2012. It provides the professional platform with 4 major themes in relations to nursing management for nursing managers whom are qualified Nursing Fellows accredited by the College in contributing to the nursing excellence for the betterment of healthcare in Hong Kong.

Professional platform with 4 main themes which contribute to the nursing excellence as:


The College facilitates policy and set professional standards which enhance nursing excellence and promote future development of healthcare services in HKSAR


The College facilitates healthcare researches together with other healthcare professional, patients and general public in order to work towards nursing excellence and to provide more solid information in advising government on setting policies and standards in related to nursing and health care development for general public as a whole.


The College provides professional trainings and education to nursing managers and other nursing members in healthcare sectors to enhance professional knowledge both in nursing management and nursing practices. Also, the Association provides educational seminars in health care promotion for the general public in our community


The College promotes evidence-based practices by effective leadership and safe-guards quality of nursing practices


  • Conducted the 1st Convention for Nurse Leaders 2018
  • Organized and provided nursing management training courses in Shen Zhen and Guangzhou hospitals
  • Completed 2018 Cohort graduation of the Advanced Diploma in Nursing Leadership and Health Care Management Programme and started 2019 Cohort students in February
  • Collaborated and co-organized with college management institutes for joint seminars / workshops


除秉持臨時香港護理專科學院一貫宗旨外,學院致力持續提升護理專業管理的質素,積極與母院協作籌備專科院士考核課程及發展計劃,至今已超過140名資深護士接受頒授儀式,正式成為『護理及衞生管理院士』成為學院的專科院士。 學院明白除專業的臨床專科訓練以外,從宏觀角度考慮到在日常護理運作都應用到不同的管理藝術,小至病房中各類用品等硬件配備,大至跨醫院、跨社區的醫護病患溝通等的軟件技巧,均可見管理學的智慧為護理業界同樣不可或缺;為此,為加強護理同業對管理學的專業知識和技巧,學院每年均舉辦各種管理學專題講座及研討會,藉以四大管理學範疇 (政策、研究、教育和實踐) 確立護理管理的卓越貢獻,透過專業平台彼此分享管理經驗,使整個護理專業能與管理學揉合,從而有效地提升護理管理人員的專業水平及整體香港的醫療質素。

  1. 舉辦第一屆香港護理領袖研討大會2018
  2. 承辦深圳和廣州的醫院護理管理培訓課程
  3. 《護理領導力與衞生管理高級文憑》2017及 2018 年度圓滿畢業, 並同時開辦2019年度課程
  4. 積極與大學及管理專業機構合作,共同組織聯合研討會/工作坊